Saturday, 31 May 2014

MBA Is Now The Most Popular Master’s

Most Popular Degree in U.S.

The MBA surpassed the Master's in Education as the most popular
postgraduate degree in the U.S.

Through most of the modern era, a master’s in education had long been the dominant degree, in part because some states require it to teach. Indeed, back in 1970-71, business master’s accounted for just 11.2% of all postgraduate degrees, while education dominated with 37.2%. In those days, even advanced degrees in the humanities, which had 14.6% of the market for master’s degrees, exceeded those in business.

The remarkable growth of the MBA—largely due to its widespread acceptance by employers and the almost assured return-on-investment of the degree—has been fairly steady during the past half century, making the degree the most successful educational product of the past 50 to 100 years.

The MBA has adapted to change better than any other form
of advanced education.

“Businesses have grown enormously in complexity and scope, and more than ever, they need ethical, skilled, well-educated, creative leaders who are global in outlook,” says Danos. “Business education in general and the great MBA programs in particular have adapted as these demands have grown, perhaps better than any other form of advanced education.”

While the analysis focus on the U.S. market, the adaptiveness of MBA programmes to the complexities of business characterizes our Otago MBA.

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