Monday, 28 July 2014

Term Two: week eight update

From Olga Meglinskaya, Curriculum Delivery Manager

We're wrapping up Term Two with a very busy week ahead. An exceptional guest speaker (Rod Drury, CEO of Xero) with join us on Tuesday; classes will end; and we have a full schedule of final exams at week's end. Our MBA management team will gather feedback through course evaluations and personal interviews as part of our quality management protocols for continuous improvement.

End of Term 2 Course Evaluations (paper-based) will be collected at the end of each class this week.

Otago Business School Visiting Executive Programme
Rod Drury, CEO Xero - From Xero to Srartup Hero: Q&A with Rod Drury
Tuesday 29 July, 12noon. Commerce Room 2.03

Exam Information
Exam: BMBA508 Investment & Global Financial Markets
Date: Friday, 1 August 2014
Time: 9:30-12:30 (Exam time 3 hours)
Location: CO318 - Commerce 3.18 Lab.

Exam: BMBA502 Marketing
Date: Saturday, 2 August 2014
Time: 9:30-12:30 (Exam time 3 hours)
Location: CO318 - Commerce 3.18 Lab.

Exam: BMBA507 Accounting
Date: Sunday, 3 August 2014
Time: 9:30-12:30 (Exam time 3 hours)
Location: CO318 - Commerce 3.18 Lab.

Otago Connect Lecture on Organisational Leadership
We would like to share the video recording of this lecture across our social media and communication. If you are one of the participants and have concerns (with good reasons) about this, please let Hester know.

Lauren Rosborough’s Presentation
Lauren’s presentation has been emailed to all those who attended her talk on Thursday. Please remember that this presentation was off the record.
Business Cards
If you would like an MBA business card please let Susan know before the end of Term 2.

View the MBA Google Calendar on your mobile phone
We will send an email to your student email account, sharing the MBA google calendar with you. You should then be able to view this on your mobile phones even if you don’t have a gmail account. Please let Susan know if you encounter any problems.

End of Term Feedback Interviews – Week 8
Olga and Susan will again be asking you to spend some time with them to get some feedback on your experiences in term 2. Please email Susan with your preferred 30 minute slot on either Tuesday 29 July or Thursday 31 July.

1 comment:

  1. Effective people management, salesmanship, understanding the markets, basically anything that you aren't good at right now but are sure will not be problem after your MBA is over.

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